Sunday, April 24, 2011

PEACE day\!!!


1. to make it peacefull...don't be peaceful with a ton of peaple, do it when there's only you.
2. to make it a movie and get your snack's, drink's, blanket, book's, remote and all the stuff you need so when you start your movie you don't get up tons of times.
3. start your movie and find your favorite seat bring all the stuff you need on a big table/tray so then you don't walk a bunch of trips to get the stuff you want.
4. when you start your movie before that get your phone, and another movie/book so after the movie or you reading a book you can hop up and put it in the vcr or dvd player or read.

 please enjoy my tips! =]

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i love comment's, please comment, or leave me a message and soon i'll comment back. xoxo, Jelly<3 :)